Excel Learning LLC improves instructional coherence in public schools. We provide transformative professional learning experiences to school leaders, instructional leadership teams, and teachers across K-12 schools through 1:1 coaching, workshops, and on-site support. Check out our services below.

School Leadership Team Coaching & Development

Sustainable success at the school level becomes possible when leadership teams learn over time. Effective leadership teams practice specific skills and habits (technical and adaptive) that improve their performance over time. Excel Learning LLC help leadership teams learn them. From analyzing student assessment data and teaching videos…to academic strategy development and implementation…to improving how teams manage conflict - I am here to help. Reach out here!

Coaching for School Leaders

The role of the principal is vital to school improvement efforts. Behind most great leaders you’ll find an invaluable coach. I exercise deep listening and combine directive and collaborative approaches to help leaders focus on what is most important. I’ve been creating safe meaning-making spaces for reflective practitioners to become more effective for over a decade. Let’s connect!

Professional Learning Workshops

My series of workshops places student achievement at the center of our work together. They equip leaders and teachers with the skills to plan and execute rigorous, standards-aligned lessons that provide ample opportunities to assess student understanding along the way. I provide professional learning workshops for district leaders, principals, teacher leaders, and teacher cohorts around an array of student-centered topics with proven results. Let’s connect!

Interested in accelerating the learning in your school or organization? Have more questions? Click the link below to set up a free 30-minute consultation to see if we are a real fit.